Like you were writing for me.

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I'm told we should feel noble fighting the shadow. It doesn't feel noble. It just feels like a small, somewhat insignificant victory in a larger war. And yet, we soldier on in the hope that some day we will recognize that the number of days we have fought - the accumulation of all those battles - will mean something. I still believe it will. Maybe that's why I keep fighting. I think I'm in a better space these days, despite everything that's going on in the country. I see and feel on this forum numerous similar sentiments to what you've expressed here. Perhaps, collectively, things are about to change. I sorta feel it coming. Do you? I think there's a lot of support here that we haven't quite tapped into yet. I do have some faith we'll all find our way and that it's closer than we think. Maybe you're just a few steps behind me and we're all about to crest the hill. Stay strong.

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I’m really glad *she* showed up to write - and that your work showed up in my notes today. It is inspiring to know that other writers are committed to the practice of opening themselves to the vulnerable, the scary, and the stuff that’s not fully known. Bravo. 👏

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Aww. Fight that dark voice, there’s light here to intervene. I feel deliverance is coming your way. Praying for your freedom from this, that you’ll see a beautiful purpose in life. Thanks for sharing so someone else knows they’re not alone. 💜💜💜

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Jamal! Your words always make me smile🥹 they never get old, thank you to the moon and back💜

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Sis, this was epic.

Obviously proud of you for digging deep and being vulnerable but the self-awareness and creativity of having an alternate (but still very much you) self write this piece blew me away.

You did your thing 👏🏽

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A powerful piece—thoughtfully constructed. Sending all of you much love. I appreciate you. ✨

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Lindsay!! Thank you!🥹💕

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@Katie Mack, are you okay?

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I’m ok, it honestly depends on the day💜 I appreciate the ask, thank you for that.

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I'm really sorry you are going through this. It sounds awful.

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Im not sure what you mean, everyone has a shadow…some chose to acknowledge it and others don’t. It’s life.

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wow. this essay is layered with so many intimate heart pieces--darkness as well as the light of hope. thank you so much for being so transparent with how frustrating it can be to exist in this world as a woman, as a daughter, and particularly as a black woman. we need more conversations about how hard it is to be responsible for aging parents. whew! i feel your pain here, sis. please know this: you are doing an excellent job by continuing to show up for yourself as you do. your writing is beautiful.

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I see you

You seee me 💕

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I totally feel you, Miss Katie Mack. Been "on the ledge" more than once. Keeping working, keep posting. Much 💕 love

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We have the same shadow.

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